From the Business of NFTs to the UNCSA Lawsuits

It’s been a minute since I last updated. As some may have guessed, after launching CryptoArtNet, I continued deeper into the crypto and NFT rabbit hole and have been having an amazing time.

Here are my current projects:

NFT Entrepreneur follows the business of NFTs.

CryptoArt News has relaunched with a focus on CryptoArtNet members.

CryptoArtCoin will emerge this year or I will give up my informal title, CEO of $CRAC!

NFT Security is a Twitter account aggregating scam alerts and security insights.

NFT News Wire was, for a time, an NFT press release blog. I now retweet news from the Twitter account.

NC Arts Asylum is providing updates about the UNCSA abuse lawsuits.

Oh, yes, I’m also now making cryptoart as Flux Art NFTs!

DanceLand Launches Dance Studio Directory

Big news in one sense but a rather small development at this stage. DanceLand is building a Dance Directory starting with North Carolina Dance Studios.

I’m taking a very simple approach after more complex approaches didn’t work out. Basically a chance to experiment and see if there’s interest in this sort of thing.

However, most of my time at DanceLand is spent posting news and videos:
Dance Business
Dance Education
Dance Videos

We’re getting a good response to our dance posts, traffic is growing and people seem to appreciate what we’re doing. It’s an ongoing process but I’m definitely seeing signs that DanceLand is finally on track as we try to build a new home on the web for the world of dance.

From Clyde Smith To Clyde F. Smith

I’ve moving my proam web updates from to  This move is part of a larger shift in my online identity from Clyde Smith to Clyde F. Smith.

I did all my early writing, from poetry to academic research papers, as Clyde F. Smith. When I started creating websites and shifting to more commercial writing in 2001, I decided to go with Clyde Smith. It seemed simpler and there weren’t many of us online.

However I’ve decided to consolidate all writing, creative and commercial identities as Clyde F. Smith.

I’ll be occasionally updating as a simple log of my activities including active websites.

I can be contacted at clyde(at)fluxresearch(dot)com.

As of October, 2016

I blog occasionally for Dash Two on digital marketing and sales with some posts appearing on Hypebot.

I relaunched Cultural Research with a short report on Working Sessions including a dialogue with Jeb Bishop.

Still periodically posting at Crowdfunding For Musicians with updates to the Music Crowdfunding Sites.

I'm working on yet another relaunch of DanceLand to feature a directory of dance studios.

I shut down Playlist Biz as discussed at Flux Research.

Music Biz Blogs continues.